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I am a human geographer from Chile interested in Economic Geography and Political Economy, particularly about extractive industries in Latin America.

My doctoral research - titled Global Production Networks and the extractive sector: Natural Gas revenues and regional economic change in the Andean countries - explores resources territorialities around global production networks of natural resources. Particularly, I analyse how those territorialities modify the social relations of value distribution, and how such modification impact on the local and regional economies.

Empirically, I am analysing natural gas extraction in Peru and Bolivia, and the linked revenue distribution to sub-national governments of natural gas producer regions. I am looking for understanding the social and political drivers behind the sub-national expenditure of natural gas revenues in Cusco/La Convención and Tarija, and how such expenditure impact on the regional economy.


Extractive industries; Global Production Networks; Resources territorialities; Revenue sharing; Geographical political economy

Related Latinamerican Country/City 

Chile, Bolivia (Tarija and Chaco) and Peru (La Convención y Cusco)

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